300+ Spanish Printables for Kids

Spanish printables about 'How are you?'

Spanish Printable: Brief interviews
Fill in the gaps using the words in the box
Spanish Printable: I have a present for you
The first example is almost complete. Once you complete it you can continue with the other three conversations
Spanish Printable: Spanish conversations 2
Use the example of Maggie to write conversations with the other Spanish children
Spanish Printable: Spanish conversations
Use the example of Maggie (at the top) to write conversations with the other Spanish children
Spanish Printable: Hot or cold?
FreeCross out the phrase which does NOT APPLY and label the items of clothing. You may need to use a dictionary.
Spanish Printable: Happy and sad
Copy and complete the Spanish for Happy and Sad, depending on the faces shown.
Spanish Printable: Match up the Spanish and English expressions
Match up the Spanish and English expressions
Spanish Printable: Smiley faces
FreeComplete the questions and answers.
Spanish Printable: Copy the text
Copy the text in the spaces provided
Spanish Printable: Simple Spanish conversation
Complete the conversation between Dino and Lupi
Spanish Printable: Very well in Spanish
Write 'Muy bien' or 'No muy bien' according to the faces shown