300+ Spanish Printables for Kids

Spanish printables about 'Verbs'

Spanish Printable: All about you
FreeAnswer the questions with true answers!
Spanish Printable: Tengo sentences
Answer the questions, starting each answer with 'Tengo' or 'No tengo'.
Spanish Printable: What there was
Look at the example three sentences for the trousers. Use those as a model for all the other images you see
Spanish Printable: Email sheet
Compose an email by completing the sentences
Spanish Printable: Have got / has got
Simply copy the example, changing the object each time
Spanish Printable: I want
'I want a/an', Name each of the objects shown
Spanish Printable: Doctor, Doctor
Match the picture to the Spanish phrase
Spanish Printable: Expressions to copy
Write what you like doing above each picture. For example: Me gusta nadar (I like swimming)
Spanish Printable: Restaurant dialogue
Complete and practice the dialogue.
Spanish Printable: Things I like doing
Match the sentences with the pictures and complete the last sentence
Spanish Printable: What am I?
Fill in the gaps using the words shown below
Spanish Printable: Verb flowers
Make six 'verb flowers'. Use these verbs: Pintar, Bailar, Jugar, Cantar, Estar, Tener. Check in the dictionary where necessary.
Spanish Printable: Definitions
Fill in the gaps using the words in the box, then number the objects and name them
Spanish Printable: What's it going to be?
The images to the left transform into the images to the right. Draw the missing images and write the missing words
Spanish Printable: I want a ...
Look at the pictures and use the phrases shown to fill in the gaps.
Spanish Printable: Describing vehicles
FreeName each vehicle and say if it is big or not
Spanish Printable: What are we going to do?
Fill in the gaps with pictures and/or the phrases shown at the bottom of the page
Spanish Printable: Ice cream flavors
Follow the model to write the other two conversations
Spanish Printable: Clock times and clock faces
FreeMatch the clock times with the clock faces. Also complete the clock face with the hands missing
Spanish Printable: What does Speekee have?
Fill in the gaps, using the pictures and the words at the bottom of the sheet.
Spanish Printable: Is it a bus?
Fill in the gaps using the words at the bottom of the paper to help. Then copy the full sentences.
Spanish Printable: What time is it going to start?
Fill in the gaps. Follow the pattern to fully complete the last four clock times.
Spanish Printable: Color the glasses
Color the glasses and write appropriate sentences. One of the examples has been completed for you
Spanish Printable: Name the objects
FreeName all the objects shown. Two examples have been done for you
Spanish Printable: Friends and pets
Draw a picture, then write the name and age
Spanish Printable: ¿Te gusta la música?
FreeAnswer the main questions and their follow-up questions. An example is given.
Spanish Printable: Correct or incorrect?
FreeMark the sentences as correct on incorrect, depending on whether they match the instruments. Where the sentence is incorrect provide the right sentence.
Spanish Printable: I have' practice
Let's see! What is each person holding on their tray? An apple perhaps? Or maybe three oranges...
Spanish Printable: Drum practice
Without repeating the exact same combination of words, write about each drum image
Spanish Printable: I have a piano
Using the first conversation as your guide, finish the other three conversations
Spanish Printable: My favorite animal
Name you favorite animal, draw it and then answer the questions about it
Spanish Printable: Dino and Lupi's sentence challenge
Look at the images before completing the conversations. One conversation has been completed for you
Spanish Printable: Who is who?
Who is who? Draw arrows to match the pictures with the names
Spanish Printable: Matching characters
Cut out the pictures and the name boxes. Match the disguised characters with the names, and copy the names.
Spanish Printable: I have / don't have
Use the examples to help you say what you have or don't have
Spanish Printable: What is your name?
Copy and fill in the gaps, and write your own name.
Spanish Printable: Tengo
Practice 'Tengo' (I have) for each animal, following the example.
Spanish Printable: Hungry and Thirsty
FreeAre you hungry or thirsty? Look at the images and write your answers
Spanish Printable: How many brothers and sisters have you got?
Write down the numbers of brothers / sisters. Finally, draw a picture for 'Tengo cuatro hermanas y cuatro hermanos'
Spanish Printable: ¿Qué te gusta?
Write down what the images show, starting with: "Me gusta bailar"
Spanish Printable: Point to the animals
Point to the animals according to the appropriate questions. Say where each one is. Use the example to help you
Spanish Printable: Dino and Lupi pretend
Imagine Dino and Lupi pretending to be different animals. Complete the sentences
Spanish Printable: What's the weather going to be like?
Write sentences according to the images shown. The first one is done for you.
Spanish Printable: Seasons
Write in the names of the seasons and add 3 verbs which are appropriate for each. Use a dictionary. Example: Esquiar (Ski) for Winter.
Spanish Printable: I'm big! I'm small!
Use the examples as a guide as you say whether you are big or small!
Spanish Printable: Meet the family
Free1. Write the names of family members in Spanish 2. Add 'My' in front of each one 3. Say what each one's name is
Spanish Printable: Incorrect or correct?
Cross out the words which are incorrect
Spanish Printable: I have / I don't have
Write whether or not the children shown have a book, using the examples for help
Spanish Printable: What's in each room?
In which room is each named object?
Spanish Printable: Name the clothes
Name the items of clothing. Each is preceeded by Tengo (I have)
Spanish Printable: Where is it?
Ask where the objects are and say where they are. Use the example for help
Spanish Printable: Waiter, waiter!
What drinks is the waiter serving? Follow the example given to complete the conversations
Spanish Printable: Complete the conversation
Complete the conversation between Dino and Lupi
Spanish Printable: Commands
Write the correct command for each picture. The commands are: Sube (Go up), Baja (Go down), Bebe (Drink) and Come (Eat).
Spanish Printable: Go up! Go down!
Follow the arrows to give the instructions: Go up! or Go down! Two examples have been done for you
Spanish Printable: Ages: fill in the gaps
FreeFill in the gaps in the text which corresponds to the images of birthday cakes
Spanish Printable: Maggie and Aitana
Copy the dialogue inside the box