300+ Spanish Printables for Kids

Spanish printables about 'Conversations'

Spanish Printable: Final sentences
Write sentences which include each of the words shown
Spanish Printable: Conversation creation
First copy the words, then use them to create a conversation
Spanish Printable: Complete the conversation
Complete the Dino and Lupi conversation
Spanish Printable: Mock conversation
Practice the conversation in pairs, then change the necessary words so that the answers apply to yourself.
Spanish Printable: Conversation completion
Complete the conversation based on the information that's already there
Spanish Printable: Brief interviews
Fill in the gaps using the words in the box
Spanish Printable: Restaurant dialogue
Complete and practice the dialogue.
Spanish Printable: ¿Qué quieres para beber?
Complete the conversations by using the images as prompts, following the example given.
Spanish Printable: I have a present for you
The first example is almost complete. Once you complete it you can continue with the other three conversations
Spanish Printable: Ice cream flavors
Follow the model to write the other two conversations
Spanish Printable: ¿Te gusta la música?
FreeAnswer the main questions and their follow-up questions. An example is given.
Spanish Printable: I have a piano
Using the first conversation as your guide, finish the other three conversations
Spanish Printable: Dino and Lupi's sentence challenge
Look at the images before completing the conversations. One conversation has been completed for you
Spanish Printable: Complete the conversations
Complete the sentences according to the formula
Spanish Printable: What is your name?
Copy and fill in the gaps, and write your own name.
Spanish Printable: Spanish conversations 3
Use the example of Maggie to write conversations with the other Spanish children
Spanish Printable: Spanish conversations 2
Use the example of Maggie to write conversations with the other Spanish children
Spanish Printable: Spanish conversations
Use the example of Maggie (at the top) to write conversations with the other Spanish children
Spanish Printable: Waiter, waiter!
What drinks is the waiter serving? Follow the example given to complete the conversations
Spanish Printable: Complete the conversation
Complete the conversation between Dino and Lupi
Spanish Printable: Copy the conversation
Copy the conversation between Dino and Lupi
Spanish Printable: Copy the text
Copy the text in the spaces provided
Spanish Printable: Simple Spanish conversation
Complete the conversation between Dino and Lupi