300+ Spanish Printables for Kids

Spanish printables about 'Countries'

Spanish Printable: Color the flags
Color the flags according to the number codes at the bottom of the page
Spanish Printable: Countries wordsearch
Find as many countries as you can in the puzzle. Example: holanda
Spanish Printable: ID Cards
Use the information from the four ID cards to write three sentences for each. For example: Me llamo Mark; Soy de Argentina; Tengo seis años.
Spanish Printable: Name the countries
FreeName the countries where these famous landmarks appear
Spanish Printable: Flags
FreeName the countries represented by the flags shown. Use a dictionary to help.
Spanish Printable: Colder or hotter
Compare continents by saying which is hotter or colder depending on seasons
Spanish Printable: Countries in Europe
Name as many countries in Europe as you can. In Spanish of course!